The Sketchy Show is an animated micro-series by Ludo Studio (Bluey) for Cartoon Network. From farting unicorns, tech adverse cavemen, to miniature mermaids, and slug-dog’s, kids from around the world would submit character drawings and from there, a select few would be brought to life and the star of their very own episodes.
Working with animator, Joe Brumm (creator of Bluey), Peter served Series Producer, filming and editing the live action plates, developing concepts and storyboarding episodes, and even developing the opening title for the series. Ludo enabled a unique collaborative environment to develop and grow the show into an extremely enjoyable and entertaining micro-series.
A highlight for Pete was filming an animated dragon on his kitchen table, as it breathed real fire to melt an iPad. No iPads were harmed in the making of that episode, however, the same can’t be said for his kitchen table.
Client: Ludo Studio
Services: Segment Director, Segment Camera Operator, Series Lead Editor, Editor, Graphics & Animation
Broadcaster: Cartoon Network