Just 2 Kidz is an original animation series concept based on The Lonely Islands works, Just 2 Guys. The series concept was developed by Kyle Logan, Peter Johnston, and Time Rowberry, working in collaboration with Jorma Taccome and Akiva Schaffer of The Lonely Island (SNL).
Just 2 Kidz is about Kiv and Jorm – two best friends who live by one simple rule… have a good time. Whether they’re drawing on fake mustaches, decapitating dandelions with sticks, or training to karate chop 10 pencils at once – Kiv and Jorm always find a way to keep the fun-train running!
Set in an obscure California suburb, each episode begins with Kiv’s and Jorm’s unrelenting search for fun. Once the best opportunity presents itself, the kid jump in head first – embark on a hilarious misadventure – sing about it like bosses – usually get sent to time out or the ER, and then experiences moments of deep self-reflection.
Just 2 Kidz is all about neighborhood shenanigans, unleashing vour inner rascal, and the ingenious / numskull ways kidz figure out how to defy the extreme boredoms of life!
Co-Producers: The Lonely Island
Based on: Just 2 Guys
Created by: Kyle Logan and
Peter Johnston